Link to Enlarged PhotographLink to Enlarged PhotographSometimes it is helpful to know who else is out there with solid ASR experience so that you can ask questions, arrange site visits, and compare operating experiences. If you wish to add your name to this list, Contact David Pyne and provide your name, email address, mailing address, any other contact information that you wish to provide, and a brief summary of your ASR-related experience.

The intent of this list is to include only those who have been substantially responsible for the design, permitting, construction and placing in operation of at least one ASR site that is fully permitted (licensed) and currently in operation. A separate list of contact persons at each of the operating ASR sites is included under Where Is ASR, providing the opportunity to get in touch with operations staff to gain their valuable perspectives.

To get the ball rolling, here is an initial list of those who have indicated that they have the requisite level of experience and have also indicated a willingness to have their names on the list:

R. David G. Pyne, P.E., President
ASR Systems LLC


I have directed or been substantially involved with the development of 31 of the estimated 69 currently operating ASR systems worldwide. I am a civil engineer and President of ASR Systems LLC, a women business enterprise (WBE). I have been working with these ASR wells since 1978. Actually, I started thinking about this around 1970, but it took a few years to get the funding to move forward with the first test program at Manatee County.

Kevin Bral (USA)
Tom Miller (USA)
Jeff Barry (USA)
Mark McNeal (USA)
Lloyd Horvath (USA)
Mike O’Shea (England)
Dave Smith (England)
Carolina Bienfait (England)
Dan Wendell (USA)
Terry Foreman (USA)
Dick Glanzman (USA)
Steve Tanner (USA)
Paul Pavelic (Australia)
Peter Dillon (Australia)
Ken Trotman (USA)
Bryan McDonald (USA)
James Dodds (England)
Ken McGill (USA)
Mark Lucas (USA)
Mike Demmico (USA)
Nabil Gerges (Australia)
Frank Reynolds (USA)
Mike Micheau (USA)
Peter Kwiatkowski (USA)
Richard Wootton (Canada)
Mark Williams (USA)
Edward P. Butts (USA)
Chris Mikell (USA)

Those on the above list who would like to have a link to their web site address, please provide this information to me and I will be happy to include it.

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ASR Systems LLC
is an industry leader in water resources development with a specialized focus on aquifer storage recovery (ASR) and related technologies.

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Aquifer Storage Recovery
By David Pyne
This is the only book published on aquifer storage recovery (ASR), a cost-effective water storage technology that has evolved rapidly during the past 25 years and is now being applied throughout the world.
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